send mail from your webmail account

How To Send Mail From Your Webmail Account

This tutorial will show you how to send mail from your webmail account.

To send mail from your webmail account, you don’t need rocket science or some additional program installed on your computer. It is just like sending a regular email and can be done with any computer or mobile device with internet access.

Let’s get started and show you how it is done.

Guide To Send Mail From Your Webmail Account

  1. First, you have to log into your webmail account.
  2. When you log into webmail, click on Compose in the left-hand panel.
send mail from your webmail account
  1. Complete the following as you want:
  • From: By default, the sender’s webmail address will appear here. You can also edit it as you want.
  • To: Enter the address of the recipient. You can enter more than one recipient if you want to.
  • Subject: Enter the subject of the mail.
  • Text box: In the provided text box, you will enter the message you want to send.
  • Attach: Click on Attach to include an attachment in the mail.
  • Return Receipt: Switch this toggle on if you want to receive evidence that the mail was delivered.
  • Delivery status notification: Switch this toggle on to get notified of the delivery status of the mail.
  • Keep formatting: To maintain the text format, switch this toggle on.
  • Priority: You can set the importance of the mail from lowest to highest. By default, it is set to normal.
  • Save sent message in: You have options on where you want to save the sent message. You can also choose not to save it.
  • Signature: You can select an existing signature to include in the mail.

4. When you are done with mail, you go ahead and click Send.

That is how you send mail from your webmail account. The step is very simple with no stress. You can do this from any of your devices as long as it has internet access and access to your webmail account. If you have a question regarding the process, leave your question in the comment section and I will help you through the process.


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